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Graduate students

Undergraduate student researchers


Photo by C. Todd Reichart

Dr. Aarat Kalra is an Assistant Professor at the Centre for Biomedical Engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi. He completed his Bachelor of Science (B.Sc. (Hons.) with distinction from Dayalbagh Educational Institute (Agra, India) in chemistry, a Master of Science (M.Sc.) from McGill University in biology, and a Doctor of philosophy (Ph.D.) with Prof. Jack Tuszynski at the University of Alberta in physics. Thereafter, he worked as a postdoctoral researcher in Department of Chemistry at Princeton University with Prof. Gregory Scholes, publishing transformative work on microtubule electronics.


Dr. Kalra's research work has been recognized through several awards and funding. In 2020, Dr. Kalra was awarded the prestigious Alberta Innovates Graduate Student Scholarship during his Ph.D. In 2021, he was awarded the Young Systems Scientist Award by the Systems Society of India. In February 2022, he gave an invited talk at Google on ‘Is Our Brain a Quantum Computer?’. Dr. Kalra’s work on microtubules has also been featured twice in the scientific magazine The New Scientist

Aarat P. Kalra
Principal Investigator

Postdoctoral experience 2021-2023 

Department of Chemistry, Princeton University


Ph.D. 2021 (Physics) University of Alberta

​M.Sc. 2017 (Biology) McGill University​

B.Sc. 2014  (Chemistry) Dayalbagh Educational Institute

Group Alumni

Research Associates

Arnab Kakati Doctoral student, University of Toronto

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©2025 The Kalra Research Group | Dr. Aarat Kalra | Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi

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